Wednesday, October 19 – Pirate

Alot of people have asked what’s up with my scraggly pirate look of late. No, I’m not a Johnny Dep fan like a certain friend I have in Pittsburgh. No, my razor does work and I personally don’t like it. No, it isn’t the many other reasons that I’ve lied to others about so that I didn’t break down in absolute agony when discussing the real reason.

Why then? Hannah. My sweet girl. Last year when Hannah was first transferred to Children’s Medical, I told her that I wasn’t shaving until she came home from the hospital. After being there for 30 days +, we unexpectedly got to bring her home Halloween weekend through several strange but God directed circumstances.

As we will explain in detail in further blogs, she did get to be home for the weekend before taking her back down on Monday for a standard blood work and then back home. My plan was then to shave the next day in a fun event with her to celebrate her coming home.

Little did we know that she would take her last breath, dying in our arms that afternoon. One minute we were talking and sitting close and then gone from this world!

It is a moment that we pray would never happen to anyone reading this blog and the entire scene runs through our thoughts everyday. Everyday! No time off! No ability to forget or to transfer the memories to a more convenient time! It hits like a surprise tornado and doesn’t let up until we in the stillness of the night cry out to our Lord Jesus for his calming ways.

I never got to shave my beard until just before her funeral so in my little way of honoring and remembering my sweetie, every year from the date she got sick at the end of September to November 1st, I will wear this proudly. While it seems like many around us have moved on and have removed Hannah from their lives, I won’t. Ever.

Why? Because regardless of what the majority of Americans think, this world is not it! Not the end! We all are immortal and the only question is whether we will live in Heaven with our great God or in the pits of hell forever!

Living with my Hannah for eternity in Heaven is what I live for! It is everything! I won’t forget because she’s alive right now in Heaven!

Hi Hannah – Mommy, Jakey and myself talk, pray, think and live our lives down here with you at all times. This world is a blink of an eye in comparison to Eternity and we will push on down here for the cause of Christ until that Glorious Day happens! Can’t wait to just stare at your beauty my darling little baby girl!

That’s the story of this modern day pirate and his scraggly beard.

Praise & Glory to my Lord Jesus for dying for my many sins which gives me And anyone who believes eternal life!

In Hope,


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