This has been the hardest year of our lives, it’s hard to believe that we have lived an entire year without our precious Hannah here with us. All we can say is that our love for Jesus is growing stronger and stronger each day! Things that used to seem so important are so insignificant now and the hunger for God and the desire to meet our Savior face to face gets stronger and stronger and motivates us to live each day for Him. Last Sunday our pastor Joel Walters spoke on Thankfulness and the person he named as the number one thankful person in the bible was David who praised and loved God so much that he danced with complete abandon before the Lord. That is what we want to do…we want to take a Stand!
So I’ll stand with arms high and hearts abandoned. In awe of the One who gave it all. I’ll stand, my soul Lord to you surrendered, all I am is Yours!
Hannah, until we see you again, we are taking a stand!
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